Connect Google Talk to AIM, MSN, & Yahoo
Posted by Jeff Jeff
Google has announced plans to get Google Talk and AIM talking, but with a little elbow grease you can do that and more today.
Now that Google has opened up their Google Talk servers for federation with other Jabber servers, you can use Google Talk to connect to your friends on AIM, MSN, Yahoo or ICQ. Here's how, step-by-step with screenshots.
First, download and install the free Jabber client called Psi. It's a fine Jabber client, and you might want to keep it, but you won't need to once you've set everything up. The Psi wiki has a great step-by-step for connecting to Google Talk. Follow their instructions and you'll be able to see your Google Talk contacts.
Next, go to Service Discovery and browse the Jabber server and you'll see the transports available.
Click on a transport and Psi will gather data.
Right-click on a transport to register. Registration involves entering your username and password for the given IM network. Once you do, Psi will connect to that network and retrieve your contacts. You can also add new contacts.
Once I had "registered" each of my IM accounts, I had a lot (hundreds?) of system messages.
Basically it asked me to confirm that I wanted to add each of these contacts. Once I did, they showed up in my Psi contact list.
Now exit Psi and fire-up Google Talk. You'll have all your IM contacts right there on your Google Talk contact list.
Once you've done so, you can chat with your friends on AIM, Yahoo, ICQ, MSN -- all using Google Talk. You can also add contacts directly within Google Talk. Just use the format [screenname]@[]. For example, to add my MSN screen name you would enter
What's the deal with You can use any Jabber server you'd like -- you'll find a complete list here at Open Jabber Servers -- was just the server I used.
This process works, although in my experience, the MSN transport has not been reliable. One of my friends reported an weird "echo" effect. Everything she typed was returned back to her as if from me (I saw none of her messages). I've also sent IMs to MSN contacts, only to have them immediately appear "offline."
As with any of these kinds of hacks, your mileage may vary. But you've got to admit -- it is very cool to be able to use Google Talk as a universal IM client.
Connect Google Talk to AIM, MSN, & Yahoo
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The Top Ten Secrets For Great Sex!
Clearly there are no rules, only what lovers have known since Antony and Cleopatra: "Pay attention, be kind, and be loving". But the following Top Ten List might be a useful reminder! Enjoy!
1. Guys: Great sex starts in the kitchen! Wash the dishes, take out the trash, give her a break, let her know she's appreciated. Romance and exhaustion do not mix -- think about it! (Besides, standing there, side by side, washing and drying those dishes, hands could get to roamin' and motors could get to tickin' ...the most amazing things do happen!)
2. Gals: Tell that old fool just exactly what you've been waiting for! Most males are notoriously poor mind readers, they just don't "get it". So tell him! "A little softer" or "let me show you" goes much further than, "How come you never know what I want?"
3. Guys: Take time! Sex is about fun, relaxation, laughter and love -- this is not a competition or a 50-yard dash to the finish line! Start slow, let it build, then finish strong. A glass of wine, maybe some music, a backrub, even a few minutes of silence can shift the mood and make things verrrry interesting!!
4. Gals: Make Time! How often does sex happen last thing at night, with two exhausted people trying to find each other in the dark? Or, first thing in the morning, half asleep, with bad breath? If sex is important, why not treat it like getting your haircut or picking the kids up after school? In other words, schedule time, put it on the calendar and treat it as a key part of keeping yourself and the family running smoothly.
5. Guys: Think about your 4th date with the woman you love, after you were well acquainted but everything still felt new and exciting. Remember thinking about it, scheduling it, making dinner reservations? Remember being on time? Did you bring flowers, maybe plan something romantic or special? Remember taking a shower and using cologne? Well, guess what -- she's still special and she's still waiting!
6. Gals: If you want great sex, seduce him! This is not rocket science! Most guys are sooooo easy. They're "visual" -- show him what he likes. They're easily flattered -- whisper what he wants to hear. Touch him right there, or if you prefer, right THERE!!! Tease him, just don't be a tease.
7. Guys: Surprise her. Women love that. And, the beauty is, almost anything will work. Surprise her with flowers, with a card, get a baby-sitter for the evening, put a note on the windshield of her car. Even surprise her by cleaning the bathroom! Almost anything will work, just be kind, be gentle, and put a little thought into it.
8. Gals: With all the talk about "size", remember that a man's biggest sex organ is his imagination -- so use your own! Everyone has fantasies -- some romantic, some kinky, maybe even a few that are slightly dangerous or outrageous. What are yours? And, what are his? Why not play dress-up? Why not go on a date with someone "new"?
9. Guys: I just told the gals you have a great imagination -- don't make me a liar! Use it! How long has it been since you had sex in the back seat of a Ford? Would she enjoy a date with a spy? Being seduced by a plumber or "the cable guy"? Is your shower big enough for two? Ever done it at the office -- how about her office?
10. Gals: Take time to add variety and spice with tasteful magazines, toys, movies and beautiful lingerie. For most people (including men) pornography quickly turns into a turn-off, but a little satin and lace, maybe some sensual pictures or using common household items in a whole new way can sure add delight to the old routine. Explore, experiment, lock the bedroom door and play some brand new games! As they say, "Just do it!"
© Copyright 2003 by Philip E. Humbert. All Rights Reserved. This article may be copied and used in your own newsletter or on your website as long as you include the following information: "Written by Dr. Philip E. Humbert, writer, speaker and success coach. Dr. Humbert has over 300 free articles, tools and resources for your success, including a great newsletter! It's all on his website at:
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Boost Your Sex Power - Natural Ways
If your sexual tempo is decreased after sunny summer days do not be anxious! This is totally normal. You will find a few recommendations and a special formula for men to overcome these hard days on the next lines.
According to mythology, love goddess Aphrodite was known by her own formulated preparations and ointments that she gives to her lovers to increase their sexual power. This is the reason of why today we are calling all stimulating elixirs as aphrodisiacs. Nowadays men are not such lucky and we highly recommend to read this article to men who live in big cities.
Without doubt best aphrodisiacs are Sun, a good sleep and fresh air. A good sleep is necessary for the body to pack itself up, to increase its energy and revitalize its hormones. Sun light is a powerful doping for our body including sexual hormones. The main reason of men's vitality in holidays is being relaxed in fresh air. But in Autumn's cloudy days some natural reinforcements may help a lot.
Magical power of foods:
Basil, clove, ginger, onion, tomato, radish, celery, egg, carrot, red pepper, oats, asparagus, fresh onion, chestnut, hazelnut, pistachio nut, coconut, cucumber, oyster, caviar are main foods to improve your sexual power. Having them in your weekly menu selections would be a wise choice. Specially, foods containing vitamin E like pistachio, almond, hazelnut and walnut are natural drugs for impotence and erectile disorders.
Red is good for men's vitality:
When we say aphrodisiacs we generally mean drugs for men because they must be active in sexual relationships. In other words, for a successful lovemaking they must be aroused and erected. For a man vigor red color is important. In astrology Mars represents man and its sexual power, and Mars's color symbol is red. So, red colored foods and drinks are recommended for man's arousal. For example red pepper, red ginseng...
A man who is always wearing pale, pastel or dark colored dresses may get less excitations. Maybe this is the reason of using red lights, red under wares, red bed sheets... to create an erotic environment. Red coral or ruby stone are also good for increasing man's energy.
Women who feel sexually less active may also profit from red color and stones. But the must important aphrodisiacs for a woman is love and affection added into lovemaking.
As vegetal aphrodisiacs, vitamins are very helpful for a successful sex life. Specially vitamin E is vital for men. Beside pills you can get vitamin E through natural foods and specially hazelnut contains many minerals and essential fat acids. To overcome the fatigue syndrome due to modern life and high technology, vitamin B is also indispensable.
Avoid depression:
Remember that behind sexual troubles, many hormonal and nourishing disorders, and heavy depressions may exist. Also, after a serious depression or a nutrition disorder only a treatment of natural mixtures may not be sufficient, in such cases help of a psychiatrist (sexologist) or nutrition expert is needed.
Heavy training may be harmful:
For a healthy sexual life a light and not tiring training program is as important as vegetal aphrodisiacs. A light and regular exercise program will balance your metabolism and hormonal system to keep you sexually active. But beware of heavy and tiring training programs because an extra low fat texture may cause a performance decrease.
Yoga, meditation and many other positive energy techniques are recommended to purify your brain against stress and support sexual energy. Right breathing exercises are also important for a successful sex life. If you insist for heavy training please pay special attention for a regular and healthy nutrition.
A Special Booster Formula for Men:
Put 1 kg. of a good quality flower honey into a glass pot, add 250 gr. powdered ginger, 100 gr. powdered Indian saffron, 50 gr. peeled and pounded green cardamom, 1 gr. saffron, 5 gr. pounded coriander, 4 sweet spoons of pounded stinging nettle seeds, 2 sweet spoons of royal jelly, 4 sweet spoonful of pollen, 100 gr. unshelled and pounded pistachio nut and 100 gr. of pine nut. Stir and mix the whole with a wood spoon. You can store the pot in a cool and gloomy place. If you don't have any allergy or illness against those ingredients, eat one tablespoon 2 times (morning and night) in a day.
Amy Guven is partner of since 2000 and the author of famous eBook "Amy's Tutorial - Reshape your Womanhood" about better sex tips and techniques to improve sexual talents and maximize happiness in relationships. Being highly successful in its goal of making people sexually confident and happy, Amy's Tutorial has been sold thousands of copies till today. Please read testimonials.
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